Hello Friends of the Valley. Without getting into a debate with physicists (a nod to Max Planck), there is general agreement that there are two constants in the universe: the speed of light and the strength of gravity. If I'm allowed to imagine myself to be a theoretical physicist, may I suggest that there is another constant: change.
Seasons come and go, entropy insists we get older and personal finances are always in a state of flux. A significant change to the Khao Yai district will be the soon-to-be completed Motorway 6. https://goo.gl/Vs8RX5
The Thai Department of Highways is 2 years away (Dec 2020) from finishing Phase 1 of M6 from Bangkok to Nakhon Ratchisima. This tollway will bring more folk more quickly to the expanding development on, and near, Thanarat Road. Our district has rapidly become a very popular tourist destination in recent years. The wineries, golf courses, restaurants, resorts, housing estates, concerts and sporting events bring visitors in ever increasing numbers.
Khao Yai national park is the principal attraction and should be left relatively unaffected by the changes. But the larger area has seen significant growth in tourism and it has placed greater demands on the infrastructure. It was not that long ago that we saw heavy traffic on 3 or 4 weekends in the year; now it is virtually every weekend.
We are sure our quiet corner at Eco Valley Lodge, away from the noise and busy-ness, will long remain a retreat from over development. We will resist changes to our beautiful natural setting.